Board of Directors
DPLS is governed by the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors is made up of private attorneys and client representatives from across the DPLS service area. The Board of Directors sets the program priorities for DPLS and helps govern DPLS through financial review, strategic planning, and continually focusing on the legal needs of our current and potential clients by implementing a clear vision for carrying out the DPLS mission.
What do DPLS board members do?
Board members attend quarterly board meetings each year throughout the state to give input and vote on DPLS policies. Lodging and lunch are provided to all board members, and stipends are provided to client board members to attend board meetings in person, though board members can also attend board meetings by Zoom.
Board members also participate in specialized committees within the DPLS Board of Directors, such as the Finance Committee and Strategic Planning Committee. These committees may meet multiple times throughout the year, often remotely.
Current Board Members
Shane Pullman, Chair
Shaun Eastman
Rachel Hale
Bear Hand Sr.
Leroy Greaves
B.J. Jones
William Craig Lafferty
Marlys Langdeau-Medicine Bird
Melissa Neville
Alvin R. Pahlke
William Palmier
Joseph Ashley Parr
Terry Pechota
Gavin Pochop
Brandy Rhead
Reginald Rowland
Tracye Sherrill
Loretta Stone
Rose Ann Wendell
Joseph White Bear Claws
Jennifer Wounded Knee